From when I first started 'Healthy Natty' - self made first logo & all.
So today is the day I've let go of Healthy Natty. I won't lie, it's scary, but being a 'blogger' wasn't working for me and a series of events led me to realise what my true passion is - it's 100% photography, followed very closely by writing, marketing, recipe developing and so on.
One of my very-early phone-taken food photos (about 3 years ago). I remember being so, so excited about and proud of this photo.
And my goal in life? Be a photographer for one of my favourite magazines, and be respected like some of my industry favourites are for their work - not for their Instagram following (and it's worth noting by the way that all of the photographers I admire most have an almost non-existent
social media following. Social media numbers mean nothing in the real world, but that's just my opinion).
Feeling like I 'had' to blog, and 'had' to share recipes to get more traction and visits to my blog just didn't interest me. Nor do the daily emails I get offering to work with me in exchange for me advertising a product, or the apps that make that easier, or sharing loads about my personal life and what I got up to. 'Healthy Natty' was also a name that didn't resonate with me any more. I feel like 'Healthy' on social media means something totally different to what it means to me.
But there were two main moments that pushed me over the to just using my name.
The first was doing a course with The School about a year ago that really helped me focus on what I wanted to do. There's nothing like being around incredibly inspiring and talented humans at the top of their games to help you focus.
The second was a couple of months ago when a potential (and now very valued) client was excited to work with me but, producing a dessert-based product, said 'The only problem might be that we're not healthy food'...
I think, if you're going to work for yourself, spend time identifying exactly what it is you want to do and work towards that. In my eyes, if I can't be doing exactly what I want to do, I might as well keep photography as a hobby and go back to working an office because whatever business you run, it's not easy. It has to be worth it, right?
I will obviously still blog here, but when I feel like it - when inspiration strikes, or I feel like I can give something back, or I'm particularly proud of some work, or a recipe, or ... well, whatever takes my fancy. Without the pressure to 'keep active', but will all the freedom to be creative.
So this is the next chapter - me, Natalie Zee, that's it. I really feel life is a giant journey so who knows what will come next, but for now I'm really comfortable being me, and excited for whatever comes next.
Thank you for reading,
Nat x
Always learning about life... (and cameras).